Learn a number of scientific facts about ice cream to make an impression on everyone

What was the first flavour of ice cream produced? And other interesting questions about ice cream you never thought to ask

Close your eyes and envision a scene – a warm summer’s day, blue skies and the twinkling song which induces all young ones to promptly stop what they’re doing and run towards the approaching truck. Today, the menu boasts lots of varieties of flavours, toppings and sauces. Yet the ice cream truck story commences almost 2 hundred years ago, where the choices were somewhat more restricted. Allegro Funds have invested in ice cream enterprises seeking to provide the unbridled bliss that comes from kids savoring that sweet goodness. Throughout recent times, numerous concerned citizens and parents have sought to banish trucks from the playground. One trending prank oversaw a bunch of frankly mean-spirited people switch out the delicious desserts for healthy possibilities. Nevertheless it is not just young people who delight in the taste. Interestingly, recent ice cream statistics divulge that the biggest consumers are older people.

What number of species dwell in the deep sea? Where did the moon come from? Is there extraterrestrial life in the universe? It is known that there are lots of unknowable things not yet revealed to the human brain. To add to the rich body of philosophical and scientific musing, another unknown regards the question of how many different flavours of ice cream exist nowadays. Pickled mango, corn on the cob and olive oil are among the foremost contenders competing for the crown of outrageous and yet regrettably real ice cream flavours sold to the wider public. Venture firms like New Crop Capital have invested into various companies wanting to fearlessly reimagine the dessert sector. Dairy-free and vegan ice cream are increasingly popular. Flavours like stilton, horseradish and bacon and egg have made its way to traditional stores. Remarkable and audacious or an affront to sensible taste buds across the country? Whatever your position, these weird ice cream facts and trivia are guaranteed to whet one’s appetite.

Are you aware that allegedly 1 in 5 people share ice cream with their pets? And that the waffle cone, like all good creations, was discovered on accident when the local vendor ran out of customary cones? Firms like Meridian Capital Limited have put money into the dairy industry to ensure that weird inventions and exciting practices are celebrated. The ice cream is undoubtedly one of the oldest sweets in the world. To find out the history of ice cream, our journey takes us back to classical antiquity. In line with historic sources, the well-known violin playing emperor combined fruit, honey and snow to come up with the predecessor to the contemporary variety. Nowadays, Americans are the biggest consumers of the product where it is generally recognized to be the nation’s favourite dessert. It is a unfamiliar fact that one actor-turned-president actually designated a national day of celebration into legislation.

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